To enter mid-term or final grades, click or tap the grade roster icon next to the class on your teaching schedule. See the bulletin for additional information on UW, WA, and WF administrative withdrawal grades. Please note that graduate students who are functioning as class instructors will need to contact their college office to access this form since it is not available to them via CheckMarq. You are encouraged to check with your college records office on submission of the form since there may be specific college-based procedures to follow. To administratively withdraw a student for non-attendance or excessive absences, use the form titled Form-Course Swap/Withdrawal in the left-hand menu of your CheckMarq account. Lastly, you may click or tap the Notify All Student button to email all students in your class. Or, you may check the Notify boxes to the left of the ID numbers on the roster, followed by the Notify Selected Students button at the bottom of the class roster to email selected students. You may click or tap a student's name to directly email that particular student. The names of enrolled students appear in alphabetical order, along with their MUID numbers, colleges, intended majors and levels as of the start of the term. To view your class roster, click or tap the class roster icon next to the class on your teaching schedule. The Faculty Center provides a concise view of your teaching schedule, exam schedule, class and grade rosters. After you log in to CheckMarq, click or tap Faculty Center.
The username and password given to you by Information Technology Services - contact at (414) 288-7799 or provides you with the appropriate access to securely access advisee information. CheckMarq is an integrated system designed for advisors, faculty, staff and students.